Tuesday, August 14, 2012

OT Notes I Kings 2:10-12, 3:3-14

OT Notes I Kings 2:10-12, 3:3-14 1) Wisdom isn't too big a topic, but it is an important one.who were and are wise ones in your life? 2)What is the difference between wisdom and intelligence? How is wisdom similar and dissimilar t0 emotional intelligence? 3) I do note that in David's godfather style address to Solomon, he refers to Solomon's wisdom. 4) In this Aladdin story, Solomon asks for wisdom. What would you ask for with one wish? My sense is that the question itself could make good sermon fodder. 5) what inhibits wisdom in our time? i am thinking about time for reflection and a preference for the surface instead of depth. 6)In the story, Solomon's wisdom shows insight into human nature and its patterns. What field of study in our time may contribute to wisdom? 7) What does it say about the church that pastors seek wisdom from all of these business leadership books that dot so many shelves? 8) what are other valuable virtues for a leader along with wisdom? 9) How does age bring wisdom or not? My grandmother spoke of old souls who possessed wisdom as youths.

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