Saturday, December 10, 2011

Week of Dec. 11 Devotions

Sunday Dec. 11 I Thes. 5:21 says in older language: “hold fast to what is good.” When have you let the good slip through your fingers? When do you not hold out your hands to cup the good but instead clench them into fists? What good do you manage to grasp with both hands no matter what? What part of Advent virtue do you most need to hold on to right now?

Monday-Shepherds are romanticized in our time by pageants and picture books. In the time of Jesus shepherds were not considered very highly, say at the approval level of the current U.S. Congress.In other words, they would be the last group of people invited to witness the miracle at Bethlehem. In our time, President Obama invited two disputants to have a beer at the White House and is offering an ordinary couple a chance to dine there next year, what an honor. Now consider: the King of Kings invites us to join him in heaven every time we celebrate Communion.

Tuesday-Christian Science emphasizes mind over matter, indeed they deny that matter truly exists. Nothing could be further from this season that looks toward the first Advent, the Incarnation of the logos, the very vision, plan, ideas, logic of God (John 1:1, 14). Incarnation hallows, makes holy, this material world. After all, God called creation good. Christians are not called to rise above the physical, we are instead to see the physical as an intimation of the spiritual; they work together, body and soul.

Wednesday-Decorated your life. Even before thanksgiving the decorations were going up. I think the Alton mall had a visit from Santa in mid November. An old song from Kenny Rogers has been running on the tape in my mind, You Decorated My Life. Decorations try to make things prettier and maybe even cover up some flaws. They announce celebration. The culture has us set up decorations for Christmas early, and the church wants us set up for the 12 days of Christmas.

Thursday-Hymns of Christmas carry depth of meaning, partly by the union of lyrics and music.What are your favorite Christmas songs? If any of them are hymns, what are they? I love O Little Town of Bethlehem, in part, as my mother seemed to like it. I love the third verse: “how silently, how silently, the wondrous gift is given/so god imparts to human hearts, the blessings of his heaven/no ear may hear His coming, but in this world of sin/where meek souls will receive him still, the dear child enters in.”

Friday-The manger is in every creche. When young, we looked forward to setting up the scene. Consider: the bread of Life in a feeding stall. today, work with the image that your life, your heart, your very being is a manger, a resting place for the Christ Child. Where in your life would Jesus be comfortable residing? what would make Jesus uncomfortable in your life? How does it make you look at your own life as each of us temples, mangers, for the presence of God?

Saturday-Holiday blues afflict many of us. I’ve been writing these devotions for years and always include this. Is it possible that your holiday expectations cannot be matched in this world? Do we put too much stock in decorations and gifts to carry more freight than they possibly can? Some people suggest that a good response is to go out and do something for someone else, especially the needy. it moves us out of our focus on self and expands the diameter of our hearts.

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