Sunday, December 18, 2011

OT Notes for christmas Is. 9:2-7

Is. 9:2-7
10 Using images that fit the reading from john, the passage moves from darkness to light.
2) Words of ingathering and harvest also appear, so htis fits all of our travels this season.
3) Just as Jesus was born under oppression, all of the material on yoke refers to domination by Assyria, or other regimes as Isaiah moves through a good deal of time through different editorial hands.
4) Notice the pronoun us for the sign child of victory.
5) So instead of oppression the hope is for good governance.
6) the names are tricky the first set could be wonder, planner/counsellor, even planner of wonders (Tull,299) Might One=gibbor, a familiar designation. Everlasting Father is fine/Eternal One works too., and Prince of peace/well-being is well known.They could refer to the child or as divine attributes.
7) i would think that justice and righteous/right relations are twinned here.

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