Saturday, October 29, 2011

Rom. 12

1) What are some other images we can get at the interdependence of the body? Does team do the trick? A theater company?
2)v.2 is emphasized by the Amish and Christian Science. What does it mean to you? Have you experienced this transformation? What part of your life is the best offering? the worst?
3) Living offering may be better than sacrifice.
4)Do you long for the spiritual gifts or skill sets of others but then neglect the ones you have?
5)Should we read vv.9-17 at weddings? How about for new church members?
6)After all of the words on peace starting at 18, why talk about burning coals on the head? Is this a version of being cruel to be kind?
7) V.21 is difficult indeed. have you seen it work? Where is it easiest and hardes tot try to live out this verse?

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