Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Notes Rom. 9-11

1) what do you think of Paul's argument in 9:6-12 9that the progeny of Abraham is not limited to Israel since Isaac was a child of promise (apparently not of biology?)

2) What do you think of his point in 9:18? do you agree with the text at 59 first paragraph that to be happy about salvation unless everyone is happy?

3) The chapter ends with a string of citations. is this effective for you? Is it convincing now?
At pg. 59 at the bottom what do you think of the distinction made between predestined and pre-determined? Note tha tthe concluding section of our study is from the hymn god is working His Purpose Out.

4) At 10:9, 13 does that strike you as sufficient?

5) Could 10;12 be extended in different ways in our time? why or why not?

6) Again are the citations at the end of ch. ten a convincing argument for Israel not hearing the gospel to the extent Paul wishes?

7) At 11:11 what do you think of this point?

8)How does ingrafting argument temper Gentile christian arrogance?

9) How does v. 29 bake arguments about god’s rejection of Israel?

10) Why does Paul end in this doxology of Scripture citation? I share with our authors a liking for the conclusion of the chapter that the gifts of god are irrevocable. what does this do with your relationship with God?

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