Sunday, September 25, 2011

week of ?9/25 devotions

Sunday Sept 25 Ps. 78-Is another evocation of the exodus history. In the lectionary section for today (12-16( God splits the rocks like the sea was split. the rocks are not destroyed but yield up rivers of water. I have conflicting reactions. how I wish we good see that sort of power for good exercised in obvious ways today. On the other hand, it tells us who are not in as deep as trouble as to be slaves in Egypt that god has helped get his people through much tougher straits than we may find ourselves in.

Monday-An unexpected gift arrived in the mail recently. Those brighten a day. what have been some good unexpected gifts you have received? When have you received an unexpected spiritual gift? Maybe it was a surprising sense of peace. Maybe it was a new-found ability to apologize. God’s good gifts ar e “new every morning.” May we have eyes to see them.

Tuesday-I received a welcome offer of help not long ago. It was touching as it was fitting, as the person knows that I will sometimes overdo it. It is difficult for many of us to accept or even ask for help, but when it is needed it is welcome indeed. when it is appropriate to the situation, when it fits the needs, it is even more of a treasured gift.

Wednesday-chief Seattle has this attributed to him.”All things are connected like the blood that unties us. We did not weave this web of life;we are merely a strand in it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.”This social vision is one of interdependence, not the atomistic individualism we laud but rarely practice. if ecology shows us anything, it is the dense interconnections that make up life.

Thursday-We seem so disconnected from each other. Recently, I heard an overnight host of a sport talk radio show sign off and was stunned at the outpouring of thanks that came his way, as people felt befriended by the warmth of his voice and material. That night before I saw an older crowd break from their disparate conversations when the talented band launched into a Beatles medley. We have few things that bind us together. Of course, that is the root meaning for religion/

Friday-Self-pity is a dangerous affliction. If it is indulged, it starts to acquire a corrosive sense of allure. It can almost become addictive as the pain may start to feel a bit sweet and familiar. It clouds our perspective so much that we start to think that no one suffers as we do. It binds us to the troubles of others. It locks us into our own little world. Prayer can acknowledge self-pity. Teh sheer act o sharing it changes its power. It can open a closed-in, curved in heart.

Saturday-Our reformed tradition has a remarkable depth when considering the Lord’s Supper. we celebrate World communion Sunday tomorrow. In the confession of 1967, we get the important reminder that it is Communion with god and each other, indeed the living and the dead, as in the communion of saints. It is always thanksgiving for the gifts of god, hence, Eucharist, literally good grace, good gifts. it is a foretaste of the kingdom of heaven, not only in the world beyond but in this world as well. it gives us a sampling of the way God wishes the world to be organized.

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