Monday, September 12, 2011

Sept 14 Rom. 5-6

Paul was so hard on both sides of the issue of sin previously so we can fully get at the astounding generosity of god to all humanity through Jesus Christ. In other words, a weak sense of sin leads to a weak sense of gratitude for grace.
1) Is Paul out of his mind when he says to rejoice in sufferings?
2) When, in your experience, does the stair step approach 5;3-5 work and not work?
3) A note on justification: this is Latin term in English from the Greek term that is well-translated as right relationship. It means that God straightens out of skewed relationships, heals the breach in relationships. Do not read it as justification as an excuse or alibi for a misdeed.
4) the PCUSA’s confession of 1967 has its overarching theme as reconciliation. This too is not a forensic (criminal) concept but a relational one.Remember we are the ones being reconciled as enemies of god, not the other way around.god’s love being poured at at 5:5 links the death of Jesus with the life-giving Pentecost of the spirit of god.
5) At 40, the authors do a great job juxtaposing the two types of human being:Adam and Christ.
they mention original sin. for moderns, read it as a fundamental flaw in all human beings. We are locked into a tendency to mess up good things, to take detours on the road to well-being, to see evil as fun and good as dreary. This is not about criminal intent but a fundamental issue in human nature itself.Put differently, sin is not only individual mistake or evil action but it is a powerful force, an evil force, a stain, a disease that affects everyone. Jesus Christ is the radical cure.The obedience of Jesus counters the disobedience of Adam.
6) The authors blow by its wonderful section on the meaning of baptism.How is baptism a ritual death that joins us to the crucifixion? How is it a ritual resurrection? How can the old self be buried while we yet live? at 6:14 we live within a sphere of grace. In this light god provides a reordering of life a new integirty to life.

7) Explain how this message of salvation would lead to possible lawlessness and sin?

8) At the end Paul reprises his Adam /Christ types on death and life. (see the box (99) at pg. 40. At 6:10 what does he mean that he died to sin once for all?What does eternal life mean here to you?
9) respond to Q$ at 42. With that faithfulness of god we don;t have to be defensive any more.

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