Monday, June 13, 2011

Pentecost Sunday-We could call this Holy Spirit Sunday. I would like to emphasize the nearness of the Spirit. The word in both Hebrew and Greek is the same for spirit, breath, breeze. In that case, consider that God is as close to you as every breath. Every once in a while do a breath prayer. Breathe in words or a sense of goodness; breathe out a sense of trouble or illness. yes, the spirit may arrive in a flash of power or ecstatic spiritual power. yes, the Spirit arrive sin the new that benefits all. yes, the Spirit hovers over us and in us all of the time, as we are embraced within the presence of a loving God. If you have trouble sensing the Spirit go to Is. 11:2, which we just read at baptism, or Gal. 5:22 on the fruit of the spirit and notice where you have been gifted by God.

Monday-rooting for underdogs I've been rooting for Dallas in the NBA playoffs since they are the underdog. we identify with underdogs as we feel ourselves to be underdogs. We can live, for a bit, vicariously in the struggle and rarer\r victories of the underdog. we project our own struggles against the upperdogs of the world on to sports teams. We replay the biblical story of David and Goliath between the lines all the time. What sports moments have given you the most elation?

Tuesday- Elvis Costello and Burt Bachrach wrote songs for a movie Grace of My Heart. The best known one is "God Give Me Strength." It is a desperate plea, as it starts out with the singer having nothing, especially a love that has not worked out. It really is close to a lament psalm in its desperate pleas and candid emotion. It does seem true that trouble drives us to our knees, as we take credit for the good that occurs. What are some of your favorite hymns? What are some popular songs or classical pieces that touch your soul?

Wednesday-Summer spiritual practice when the living is easy. Consider paying some close attention to the look of the natural world in the summer, from haze on the river to the sound of cicadas to smell of barbecues being fired up. Consider a spiritual practice that tries to include our five senses. with the longer days, consider the use and practice of time. Is time really wasted that does not seem productive?

Thursday Rodney Clapp on the body. In a recent Christian Century, he writes of being on a catheter for some long weeks and his understandable relief at no longer needing it. He yelled 'thank you Jesus' the first time he went to the bathroom. He quotes an ancient morning prayer that praises God for the creation of "our intelligence and "many openings and hollow places. without which it would be impossible to survive and stand before You." we are part of nature, not above it.

Friday-Why is confession good for the soul? Adam and Eve hid when they heard the voice of God. We try to hide from ourselves and God when confronted with a sin. It is a form of denial, I suppose. Sometimes the weight of a sin becomes heavier over time. It is good to remember that the root of forgive in the new Testament is to let go, to not hold on tight. Nothing we have held in that hold us down with guilt cannot be released before the merciful roomy world of God. it deflates our ego, as we realize we share the same moral issues as everyone else.

Saturday Baptism is the initiation rite of the Christian Church. we perform baptism at any age, any stage of life. Our sense is that we can join a human family at any time, so we can join the family of God at any time. We emphasize that call makes the first move, the call, and we respond. We could consider our baptismal enrollment like a passport, as it announces our citizenship. as Paul says, our commonwealth is in heaven. In a way we have dual citizenship with our baptism.

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