Saturday, June 18, 2011

Dear God, Jesus called you father.
In part, that reflected what a good father he had in Joseph.

New fathers work and walk without a net.
They are making up new patterns as they go along.
Men like to be seen as and feel competent.
guide young fathers as they are making up]
the new ways as they go along.

Fathers worry; a father wants to share ideas and advice.
Fathers want to fix things.
Help us to know that relationships are not engines.
Help us to learn when to listen and when to advise.

May they have the strength to carry their heavy work.
Fathers are the bearers of the American dream.
Fathers are sillier, more physical with children.
Fathers can discipline with just a look.
May that difference always be an asset to raising our children,
from shooting baskets and tea parties to both
Girl scouts and Boy Scouts and stories of old times.,

Compared to mothers, fathers are looser on the reins.
they say, "work it out, dust yourself off, try again."
Don't be afraid.
Fathers work inside and outside the homestead.
Men are on a quest still, even as the search
moves to week in the yard and TV remotes for sports.

they wear public faces and private faces.
They often seem deep mysteries to us.

The bible is filled with fathers.,
models like Joseph and ones all too human.
Adam and Abraham, Boaz and Aaron,
David and Solomon, Isaac and Jacob.

Beaus may be threats and girlfriend a wonder.
My in-;laws be seen as a gift.
May man caves truly be sanctuaries,
a Sabbath place away from demands and pressures,
a place to enjoy the freedom of just being alive.
may they come to know they exceeded expectations;
they have handled their many jobs well,
in a way that would make their own fathers proud.

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