Sunday, March 6, 2011

Notes for OT Lectionary
Gen. 2:15-17, 3:1-5 frist cut

1) At first we are in Eden, I suppose where the man is at work and note well, taking care of the land.
2) He is given a basic commandment. Why was it given? What would prompt disobeying the command? In other words, what is in us to push at a rule?
3) The serpent is sly, and it is a word play on naked as well.
4) Notice that Eve puts a fence around Torah and pushes the boundaries of the prohibition out. why would she do that? Is she the first theologian?
5) Is the warning about death an immediate threat or a later one? Do you think they were not mortal in the first place?
6) What do you think was pleasing about the fruit of the tree? What about wisdom's connection to good and evil? Is it a push for divine prerogtive?
7) What has Adam been doing all of this time?
8) what meaning do you draw from their dawning awareness? Recall Irenaeus emphasized that they were moving from childhood to adulthood.

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