Saturday, March 19, 2011

Janzen has a good, easy to read commentary on Exodus. He makes an intriguing link to John 6.  p. 119 "Here faith and trust vie with fear and doubt."
1) Under stress, we often get frustrated and look for someone to blame, and this is a good example.
2) Meribah means place of dispute/trial/contention (rib is a formal hearing) and Massah is place of testing (the m for place pushes out the n of nasa)
3) Notice that the water comes from the holy mountain where they are heading, Sinai. This is flowing or living water.
4) this would be a good place to talk about our basic need for water over that of food.
5) if I remember correctly, famed exegete Mick Saunders, was struck by the moving in stages to denote planning, not chaos or aimless wandering.
6) I wonder if testing the Lord is a good way to get at the lord's Prayer, as the word tempt is the same as try or test. I take it as making an ultimatum to god. How do you see it?
7)When do we blame someone, when we really want to blame god?
8)When do we show memories as short as the people's when they quickly forget the Red Sea and the manna?
9) why does the passage conclude with the question,is the Lord among us or not?
10) Look at how Paul interprets this in I Cor 10. 

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