Sunday, December 26, 2010

Jer. 31:7-14
We may have worked with this previously.
1)in v.7 I picture a scene such as Spartacus.
2) Instead of survival of the fittest, look who comes back in v. 8.Why?
3)  Again what do you make of a young mother and a woman in labor returning?
4)Is the return tears of joy, sorrow, or both?
5) What kind of consolations or supplication will lead them back?
6)The highway is an easy one to return, like when on a trip the return seems faster than the first leg to the destination.
7) What do you make of God as father here in v. 9? then we have shepherd language
8)Ransom and redemption language buys someone back. I like the line hands too strong for him.
9)I like the abundance language and the great phrase, watered garden.
10)When does it feel right for mourning to turn to joy and dancing?
Is. 60:1-6
1)  Is this where rise and shine came from?
2)the light image is a good one for the time of year when the days start to grow longer. glory in my view is well thought of as God's presence.
3)Notice that instead of exile, people will be coming to them. We could use the image of all the family gatherings at this time of year.
4) What do you make of daughters being carried? Is it an image of safety v. being carried off?
5) wealth of nations in v. 5 is the tile of Adam Smith's capitalist/free enterprise book of 1776.Wealth is moving in instead of moving out. One could refer to our national debt here, or our balance of trade problems.
6) camels got connected to the Magi. So too did their ethnic heritage refer to the locations here. 2 of the 3 gifts are mentioned here.
Ps. 147:12-20
1) This psalm starts with a city/temple and moves to nature. When we read of John 1 and the word, this is an interesting counterpoint.
2) I am compelled to go back and note that President Bush II quoted this at v. 4 and notice the ravens. i would think that they were unclean animals, yet within this abundance.
3)What impact would this image of cold have on desert people?
4) At the end notice that God does deal with other nations but not the same way as Israel.
Ps. 72:1-7,10-14. notice it is of Solomon
1)v.10,15 gets gold and again the ethnicity of the kings/magi/sages with gifts, including gold.
2)v.3 prosperity is shalom.
3)Don;t the verses sound like the old Indian treaties?
5) v.15 speaks of prayer for the leader. Do you pray for our leaders?


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