Sunday, December 12, 2010

Second Cut- for all of these options we do well to ask how the text fits or does not fit Christmas realities and hopes.
Is. 9:2-7
1) Again, this passage is a political passage. What is your opinion of spiritualizing it as we have?
2) v.2's darkness is a broad image. List at least three ways to work with the image of darkness and light in Advent.
3) What are some contemporary yokes/bars that oppress us socially, physically, spiritually. What does it feel like to be released from them?
4) How does this passage fit lighting a Christ Candle in the Advent wreath?
5) is V. 5 an image of peace or not?
6) we hear Handel in v. 6 of course.How do these titles work or not for Jesus? Most think that this passage is some sort of enthronement liturgy, or at least contains elements of them.
7) How is David's throne one of justice and righteousness in the reign of Christ? Note that only v. 7 is properly in the future tense.
80 Again, we do well to see that god's future or advent more properly is intersecting with a human future.
Is.62:6-12 thsi may be referring back to Is 40.

 1) This is a wonderful evocation of persistent prayer:give no rest until the new Jerusalem is established. Where do we need to give heaven no rest in 2010? Are the watchman announces the advent of a new day to come, or are they still warning of something? Are the watchmen informing god?
2)Notice here that God makes an oath for security.
3)Now an army comes, but it is an army of the return of the glory of Israel. It's a parade or maybe better, a procession.
4)  With Jesus at Christmas, how do you interpret v. 11?
5) Instead of rejected or abandoned, the people are called sought after. What does it feel like to be pursued romantically? How doe it make you feel to be pursued by God?
Is. 52:7-10 Is God acting as Moses for the return? How much do you read this as introduction to the final servant hymn that is upcoming? Is it right to place the cross in the manger?
1) The angels being news of peace in Bethlehem. Is this a liturgy?How do you handle the clean/unclean issue?
2) Again watchmen, who see relief, salvation, reinforcements, victory, not cries of alarm or defeat.
3) Ruins can burst into song here. What bursts into song, or needs to, on Christmas 2010? How does God comfort us?
4) Notice that they are waiting for divine power to reveal itself again, even after defeat. instead of Egypt, the whole world will see the sight.
5) In what ways does Christmas bring peace?

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