Friday, November 13, 2009

I Samuel 23:1-7

1) First, I am not a complete slave to the lectionary. I am going to use Dt. 17 and Ezek. 33 for Christ the King Sunday.

2) How comfortable are you with the designation, king? What contemporary analogies do you make? How do the analogies threaten its biblical meaning as did the political readings of messiah in the time of Christ?

3) I would think that some would see this as a high point of Zion theology mixed into the power of the king.

4) What do you think of god's working through human beings as an element of providence? Are these still free agents or puppets?

5) What do you think of the curse toward the end? When do you feel like cursing someone, not in terms of vulgarity but a curse for harm?

6)I am struck by the immense trust in v. 5 that God will bring to fruition David's help and desires.

7) Here is a prophetic utterance, another example of anointed being priest-prophet-king.

8) Translation issue; it is either David sweet singer or related to God as Strong One

9) Note that God is the source of power here, not the king, not the people.

10) Note the emphasis on justice. Define it. Where do we march toward it and when do we fail. Especially consider, at this time of year, the difference between charity and justice.

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