Friday, November 6, 2009

I Samuel 1:4-20, 1 Samuel 2:1-10


1) Bruce Birch (NIB,p.973) cites the critic Polzin that the family drama plays out national issues for Israel. It reminds me of Lasswell's saying that political psychology is private issues played out on a public stage. We are in the hill country south of Shiloh, northwest of the Dead Sea.


2) Elkanah's name means God makes (Canaan in there perhaps)? Hannah means grace, charming attractive. Peninnah means fertile, prolific ( once again someone lives out the meaning of their name in childbirth this time).


In words reminding us of Ruth 4, Elkanah says that she is worth more than 10 children.


3) Eli is a blind priest to the spiritual condition of Hannah. v. 15 She is not drunk but what is being poured is her soul, her nephesh, her self, her life force. He then changes course and at least does bless her prayer. A brave pastor could use the Eli story to speak about pastoral weaknesses in the face of God's call. I think of Diary of a country Priest in this regard.


4) her vow to have him be a Nazirite reminds us of the Samson story. After all, he is a surprise child fro Manoah (secure/safe/restful place) and his wife.


5) Some say Samuel is related to asking God, as in Saul's name, other s see it more like Ishmael's name with God hearing, perhaps.


6) pay attention to her fear of being considered worthless. The word is applied to the sons of Eli. God does not see us as worthless, even if society does.


7) She prays because she is deeply troubled (some translate it as stubborn).


8) Infertility is an issue for many couples, and this is a good text to approach it, for tis pain to the childless.



S Samuel 2:1-10


1) Hannah's prayer evokes the power of God.


2) At the same time, she then discovers personal power (raising the horn, a symbol of power)


3)An element of the curse psalm is here, as this is prayer with a warning.


4)She sees God as a God of reversals of society. This leads into the Magnifcat of Mary in Luke 1


5)Like a lament, she then moves to praise. i have a sense that this type of prayer now looks into a future where god ahs indeed acted.


6) For not by might 9v. (0 has haunting national comeuppance for all of us.


7) notice anointed one, messiah, here. 

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