Monday, March 5, 2018

Devotional Pts for Week of March 4

Sunday-Ps.19 is intriguing with its linkage of creation with god’s “law” god’s orderly view of an often unruly creation. Science portrays both aspects in its awe-inspiring discoveries in our lifetime. What element of science gives you insight into the ways of god’s creation?

Monday-The word ‘obedience’ comes from the root word audire, meaning ‘to hear.’  Obedience is about listening deeply to the ways God calls you in everyday life and how you respond.  Listening is not an activity so much as an invitation to intimacy.”-- Christine Valters Paintner,

Tuesday-Amy Carmichael-Give me the love that leads the way,The faith that nothing can dismay/ The hope no disappointments tire, The passion that will burn like fire;
Let me not sink to be a clod; Make me Thy fuel, Flame of God.

Wednesday-Christian Wiman-Silence is the language of faith. Action – be it church or charity, politics or poetry – is the translation. As with any translation, action is a mere echo of its original, inevitably faded and distorted, especially as it moves farther from its source. is also true that without these constant translations into action, that original, sustaining silence begins to be less powerful, and then less accessible, and then finally impossible.

Thursday-I am very glad that precisely in this hour of crisis many who were asleep have woken up and are at least asking where the truth is to be found. Look for it! Saint Paul shows us the way: it is found with prayer, reflection, and esteem for what is good. These are wonderful criteria. Wherever there is something noble, something good, something just, there we find God.

Friday-Jane Tyson Clement-One who has loved is never quite alone,though all the hills declare our solitude.Having known you, I am no more afraid...

Saturday-All of us are crippled – some physically, some mentally, some emotionally. We must therefore strive cooperatively to create the new world. There is no time left for destruction, for hatred, and for anger. We must build – in hope, and in joy, and in celebration.Source: Celebration of Awareness

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