Sunday, May 7, 2017

education column for Scholarship sunday

On Friday, Rotary was planning to deliver dictionaries to students at a local school. I realize that it is old-fashioned in the internet age, but I still support the effort. I love the idea of a treasury of words being given to young people as they come to grips with the possibilities and pitfalls of language arts, as schools seem to call it. When I was young, I read a good deal of nonfiction, mostly science, biography, and history. Mrs. Grote in 10th and 11th grade introduced me to the world of fiction. Her careful set of readings blazed a trail for me.

At worship this morning, we have our annual presentation of scholarships to some outstanding students. Presbyterians have always respected education, as literacy aids Bible interpretation and we do honor God with the mind as well as our other faculties.  I so admire that the impulse for the scholarship came from a tragedy in a family. Soon, our rotary committee will meet to offer our scholarship award to a senior. It is a pleasant tedium. I will make out my top choices, but I would be pleased if nearly any student wins the award. They are that intelligent, that socially minded, that gifted. I say it repeatedly. The students of the month give me great hope for the future in a time that is too frequently laden with doubt and gloom over the present.

I differ with many in that I see education as an intrinsic good. Education opens the heart, mind, and soul. It expands the field of vision and extends horizons. Education can take some of the edge from the arrogance of the young and offer some intellectual humility.

At the same time, I value education as a vehicle to move away from poverty, its deadening weight and its dysfunctional culture.

I am not an educational Pollyanna. I realize that we place far too many burdens on schools and so graduates are ill-educated according to the judgments of many, Writing seems to have taken a particular decline. Graduates are told that the world is wide open to them; they can be anything they set their sights upon. That is a sugar-coated falsehood. Teachers face the incalculable difficulty of facing students and families who do not value education, as does the following quote.

“The teachers of my life saved my life and sent me out prepared for whatever life I was meant to lead. Like everyone else, I had some bad ones and mediocre ones, but I never had one that I thought was holding me back because of idleness or thoughtlessness. They spent their lives with the likes of me and I felt safe during the time they spent with me. The best of them made me want to be just like them. I wanted young kids to look at me the way I looked at the teachers who loved me. Loving them was not difficult for a boy like me. They lit a path for me, and one that I followed with joy.”  Pat Conroy,

“A parent gives life…. A murderer takes life, but his deed stops there. A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.”  Henry Adams

For me, education opens the door to the future. It is the beginning of a journey to be a lifelong learner.  In a sense we are always students, if not of books, of relationships and of life itself. High school graduates are in the stage of forming their identity, a stable sense of self that will take them through their lives. Already they weave the disparate experiences into their enduring character and world view.

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