Sunday, May 14, 2017

2017 Mother's day Prayer

Mother’s Day 2017

Women get 9 months to start to prepare to become a mother.
Is a lifetime enough preparation?
What a responsibility to be given to help to mold, to form a life.

At the deepest level, a mother’s glowing face,
feeding, hugs, and sheer love  form structure for the religious imagination.
Perhaps we seek that bliss still.
Mothers transform addresses, mere residences, into homes, castles of care.

How can a card express so many wordless deeds?
How can a bejeweled present approach the jewel of our lives?
How can dinner out compare to a lifetime of meals prepared and served?
May this day be one of gratitude and recognition.

We note with gratitude those who serve as maternal figures in our lives.
Maternal individuals can be related in biology but also in a role: coach, teacher, mentor.
May they all  be partners with God in renewing our world.

To approach the love of God,
sometimes Scripture uses maternal images.
To express the intensity of God’s devotion, what is deeper than maternal love?
Some are of natural fury, and others of bring life into the world.
Isaiah  uses the incapacity of a mother to forget to God’s remembrance of us.

“Mother's love is peace. It need not be acquired, it need not be deserved. “ Erich Fromm

“Mothers can forgive anything! Tell me all, and be sure that I will never let you go, though the whole world should turn from you.”  Louisa May Alcott

May  mothers be gentle on themselves.
Mothers are a school of love for us.
They attend countless programs. They are chauffeurs for countless events.
Maybe a mother’s eye toward of us as close as we dare come to how God views us.

We pray for those for whom this is a difficult day;
for those who did not know a mother,
for those whose mothers have died,
for those with whom their relationship is strained
for those who may wish to  or have wished to bear a child,
for those envious of other mothers.

May God hold all mothers’ children in the divine embrace.
May  all mothers sense divine accompaniment in their role.
May God uphold mothers in their sacred journey.

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