Saturday, May 31, 2014

Week of June 1 devotional notes

Sunday-Ps.68 has a sound of an ancient hymn to me. Its paean to power is a poetic marvel at. v.2. I wish enemies would melt away took, especially natural plagues such as cancer and ha eart disease.At the same time, this power is directed for the weak at v. 5-6. Of course, the weak are unable to often be effective agents on their own. they are overwhelmed. When trouble comes, i too yearn for the god of power to sweep trouble away.

Monday- “We sing a slow hymn at my church, St. Andrew, that goes, "God has smiled on me, He has set me free." For us to acknowledge that we have been set free from toxic dependency, from crippling obsession or guilt, that we have been graced with the ability finally to forgive some­one, is just plain astonishing. You can't have gotten from where you were—gripped by anxi­ety, tiny with fear—to come through to freedom, for God's sake. To have been so lost that you felt abducted, to feeling found, returned, and set back onto your feet: Oh my God, thankyouthankyouthankyou. Thank you. Thanks.”(Anne Lamott)

Tuesday-”Theology of abundant life: you have enough./ You can do enough. You are enough. “- David Lose. I like the sound of misterrogers in the line-You ar enough. So often, we fall into seeing only negatives about ourselves that we are blind to the deep pool of resources within.
Wednesday-”our unattended baggage sits/ locked in guarded rooms,unclaimed treasures stacked/in corners, dark upon dark,/each one growing heavier,/ mustier by the decade,/awaiting lost identities.”(Kent Ira Groff) We accumulate so much stuff, visible and invisible. Sometimes treasure slie within those things, but some of them are better off to be disposed to the scrap heap of life, even driven from memory.Still, they do help form us. What are some things you regret or missed, but now realize that they were decisive in your journey, your growth?
Thursday-As you move through this day remember this: the hours of the day can be like bookmarks helping you not lose your place in the day. Remembering to pause is a way of marking your place in the day, assisting you to live more mindfully. Pausing is a way of offering hospitality to the hours. Every step you take can be a prayer. (Macrina Wiederkehr)
Friday-”It is an insistent grace that draws us to the edge and beckons us to surrender safe territory and enter our enormity.We know we must pass beyond knowing and fear the shedding.But we are pulled upward nonetheless through forgotten ghosts and unexpected angels realizing it doesn't make sense to make sense anymore.This morning the universe danced before you as you sang--it loves that song!" (Stephen and Ondrea Levine)
Saturday- Ignatius of Loyola writes:God who loves us creates us and wants to share life with us forever. Our love response takes shape in our praise and honor and service of the God of our life. All things in this world are also created because of God's love and they become a context of gifts, presented to us so that we can know God more easily and make a return of love more readily. ... Our only desire and our one choice should be this: I want and I choose what better leads to God's deepening life in me.

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