Saturday, September 28, 2019

For Oct. 6

I wanted to get this in, as I am off to Utah  hike in Arches and Canyonlands next week.

Eugene Peterson has a good chapter on Lamentations in Five Smooth Stones

The lectionary isn't produced for World Communion Sunday, but let's take a look at Lamentations 1"1-6 and 3:19-26. Even as someone as close to it as I  am willing to adjust the readings as well.This may be a good time to look at the depth of our views on the Lords Supper, starting with the easy formulation in C 67.

3:19-26 could work with Communion-After all, the words of institution speak of a broken body. It fits the funereal sounds of a number of Communion hymns. Our passage is about the center if the book.
Communion moves from a broken body to embrace broken lives. In gathering the broken, it then presages healing.

Wormwood and gall -both deal in bitterness-indeed wormwood is related to the word for curse. Since the sacrament is a "medicine of immortality" one could focus on its healing properties through its bitter start.

Its words fit the liturgy as it starts on a down note and moves toward hope.

The feast, the spiritual feast of the Lord's Supper is quite the portion as our cups run over.

The soul that seeks moves from its previous use (vv 17,20,24) Nephesh tends more to the self, to life itself, more than a sense of a disembodied spiritual core however. That is perfect for the Chalcedonian mixture of the human and divine, the physical and spiritual nature of any sacrament.

Maybe we should have some silence in  the Eucharistic sacrament ti fit v. 26.

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