Monday, August 12, 2019

August 18 lections

Heb. 11:29-12:2

First, I got interested in how cloud turned into a multitude, but apparently, it was used to describe a large, shapeless, shifting thong of people in other Greek writing.I thought of a cloud chamber showing particles in physics.I think of the cloud of witnesses when Harry Potter's family offers him a shield of protection and encourage him as he faces his destiny.

Second, one could have fun speculating on the decision to include Rahab in the roll call of faith. She is in the genealogy of David and therefore Jesus. One can read the story in Joshua 2.The name denotes boasting. pride or strength and is connected to Egypt. It also denotes one of the chaos monsters fo the deep.One wonders how the two spies ended up in her house to spend the night.we have another example of the Good Samaritan where the last person one would expect is an agent of good, at least from the perspective of the spies.

Gideon was no prize, just review Judges 4-8. Still, he led a remarkable victory for Israel. Indeed every person named had serious failings, perhaps that itself was of enc ouragement to a dispritied people.

Third, If Hebrews was to be encouraging, I don;t know how encouraging to hear its parade of calamities of the faithful. On ornate stained glass symbols of the 12 apostles, we can see the symbol of St James the dismembered.On the other hand the Martyr's Mirro has inspired generations to courage.

The athletic metaphor may indicate the use of weights in the long jump, and they were released  at some point in the contest. Pioneer= archegos. The archegos is the author, the beginner,leader, the trailblazer as pioneer  In a race, the archegos is the team captain. who acted to encourage other teammates, precisely role of encouragement of this letter.As perfecter/completer, Jesus takes our incomplete lives and makes them  whole. complete, a clearer notion of perfection, as in a perfect fit.

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