Saturday, March 10, 2018

Week of 3/11 Devotional Pts

Sunday-3/11-Ps.107 (selected verses) V20 says that God sent a word to heal them and saved them from the grave. What words have you found healing? When has a word saved you from the grave?
Monday-"Confronting our own mortality . . . puts life into a different kind of relief. Concern about image and achievements begin to fall away. We may begin to ask what our lives are truly about and begin to make serious choices about where to commit our time and energy.
-- Christine Valters Paintner, PhD
Tuesday-e e cummings-I thank You God for most this amazing/day:for the leaping greenly spirits of trees/and a blue true dream of sky;and for everything/which is natural which is infinite which is yes/(i who have died am alive again today,and this is the sun's birthday; this is the birthday of life and love and wings and of the gay great happening illimitably earth)how should tasting touching hearing seeing breathing any-lifted from the no/of all nothing-human merely being doubt unimaginable You?/(now the ears of my ears awake and/now the eyes of my eyes are opened
Wednesday-“Fasting isn’t just for its own sake. When we fast from food, we are called to become keenly aware of our relationship to food and to pay attention to our own hungers. When we fast from the comforts of our lives, the invitation is to stretch ourselves and become present to what happens when we don’t have our usual securities to rely upon.”-- Christine Valters Paintner, PhD
Thursday-Philip Berrigan-I don’t gather that God wants us to pretend our fear doesn’t exist, to deny it, or eviscerate it. Fear is a reminder that we are creatures – fragile, vulnerable, totally dependent on God. But fear shouldn’t dominate or control or define us.
Friday-"In the ancient monastic practice of lectio divina, the desert monks, and later the Benedictines, believed that the texts of the scriptures were alive and shimmering with words God speaks to each of us directly in this moment of our lives. The underlying assumption of lectio is that the whole world is, in fact, a 'text' of sacred revelation. All experience has the potential to be revelatory and God is singing one unending song seducing each of our hearts. And so the call is to listen; the practice is to attune myself to the words God utters into the world."-- Christine Valters Paintner, PhD
Saturday-Ignatius-You are stones for the Father’s temple, prepared for the house-building of God the Father..Love is the path that leads up to God. You are all traveling companions, God-bearers, temple-bearers, Christ-bearers, bearers of holy things, in everything adorned with the words of Jesus Christ.

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