Sunday, November 26, 2017

Reflections Week of Nov. 26

Sunday-Ps.100- was a favorite among Reformed churches.We still use a tune, old hundreth in churches from Calvin’s melodist, Louis Bourgeois. It is a classic psalm of praise. Consider rewriting it in your own way to give fulsome praise..

Monday-"Creativity necessitates struggle which is part of what makes it so powerful. In our creative endeavors, we often become keenly aware of the inner voices which sabotage our best efforts." --- Christine Valters Paintner

Tuesday-God... the cherisher of joy, the Lord of laughter, whose are all glories, all hopes, who loves everything, and hates nothing but selfishness, which he will not have in his kingdom.George MacDonald

Wednesday-When the angel returns to me/ in the harsh truth of last morning, will she ask/ what have I endured, treasured, and sparked?  Will she ask what have I hidden away/ and what made visible? ---Christine Valters Paintner\

Thursday-Thomas Merton
Our job is to love others without stopping to inquire whether or not they are worthy. That is not our business and, in fact, it is nobody’s business. What we are asked to do is to love, and this love itself will render both ourselves and our neighbors worthy if anything can.

Friday- We don’t really begin to live into our own power until we have grown wise enough to recognize our limitations as well."--- Christine Valters Paintner, PhD

Saturday-Jesus appeals to the dead. Tell those who feel as if dead that Jesus is theirs. To those who feel worthless, whose life seems of no value, say: “Your life must be worth something, since Jesus has come into it. Yes, from out of the world of the dead, new life can be born in you.Source: Everyone Belongs to God

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