Saturday, October 14, 2017

Week of Oct. 15 pts

Sunday Oct 15-Ps.106:1-6, 19-23  is at the end of Book 4 of the Psalms..Reight relations and doing justice are its core ethical statements at the start. Then it goes through a logn digest of Israel’s relations with God, including the Golden Calf episode. Our tradition has stressed idolatry. When do you make a god of your own design?

Monday“St. Teresa of Avila said to the sisters of her community: ‘The Lord walks among the pots and pans.’  We make artificial divisions between sacred and secular, between what is worthy of our awe and gratitude and what is not.” --- Christine Valters Paintner,

Tuesday-Unlike the sweet unfolding of spring, or the swaggering excesses of summer, autumn comes like wood smoke, quiet as the leaves that drop without a sound or float like amber boats upon the darkening pond. In the autumn our hearts lean into the joy and tenderness of now and the curious promise of limited time. Carrie Newcomer

Wednesday-"This is the journey toward spiritual maturity – to grow in our capacity to hold paradox and tension. We are thrust into times of terrible loss and many times those experiences do reveal treasures we could not imagine. But that does not mean the loss was visited upon us for this purpose, that is the paradox of it."--- Christine Valters Paintner

Thursday-Henri J. M. Nouwen-There is no such thing as the right place, the right job, the right calling or ministry. I can be happy or unhappy in all situations... I have felt distraught and joyful in situations of abundance as well as poverty, in situations of popularity and anonymity, in situations of success and failure. The difference was never based on the situation itself, but always on my state of mind and heart. When I knew I was walking with God, I always felt happy and at peace. When I was entangled in my own complaints and emotional needs, I always felt restless and divided.

Friday- Dorothy Day was very drawn to Therese’s 'little way' of infusing all daily activities with a prayerful awareness and intention, and a spirit of love. She loved the phrase 'duty of delight' which comes from nineteenth century critic John Ruskin. She repeated it often as a reminder to herself to find beauty in the midst of every moment."--- Christine Valters Paintner

Saturday-Pope John Paul II- In contemporary society people become indifferent “not for lack of wonders, but for lack of wonder” (G. K. Chesterton).…Nature thus becomes a gospel which speaks to us of God: “from the greatness and beauty of created things comes a corresponding perception of their Creator” (Wis 13: 5).…But this capacity for contemplation and knowledge, this discovery of a transcendent presence in created things must lead us also to rediscover our kinship with the earth, to which we have been linked since our own creation (Gen. 2:7). If nature is not violated and degraded, it once again becomes man’s sister.

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