Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Sermon Notes Oct. 16-Jer, 31, 2 tim. 3, Lk. 18:1-8, Ps. 119:97

Oct. 16/16 Lk. 18: 1-8, 2 Tim. 3, Jer. 31
Gratitude linked to persistence??
To carry the code within, without it being a matter of coercion, or rules, or duty, deals with the matter of persistence, as being inner directed seems more  powerful than being forced to to something from the outside. Jer. 31:27 covenant written in the heart-punished for the sins of the ancestors-2 examples of development in Scripture due to the looming death of the city state of Jerusalem/Judah-god has grown tired of  the faith being seen as coming from the outside, over top the faithful. No, it must be an internal matter within individual life and demonstrated as loyalty to the faith, to the church of god.

Lk. 18, Persistent in prayer is a sign of faith. It is not giving up on god. God does not give up on us, as the reading for Jeremiah shows.Moves from lesser to greater if an unjust judge will bend, how much more so a good god? Haunting question-will faith be found on the earth. How persistent are we in the faith? We are reaping the results of a nice, undemanding faith.
Now go to the psalm as a look at god-Ps 119:97-104 persistence in prayer because it is useful and sweet-great example of law=instruction/teaching. Weekly worship is not only commanded in Scripture, but in itself it is a model of persistent prayer.

2 Tim 3:14- and to equip us for the good works which flow out of that saving reality and relationship (verse 17). -- that the purpose of teaching, correction, reproof, and training in righteousness is that the Christian might be “complete” and “equipped for every good work.” The Greek word translated as “complete”  or “proficient”  is “artios” -, means to be “well fitted for some function” . What is the function unto which the preaching of the gospel prepares us? Answer: the performance of Spirit-infused good works for the God in Jesus Christ.See C ‘67 and P understanding and use of Scripture

skinner-The rise of digital culture perhaps makes it easier than ever before for people to isolate themselves in echo chambers, It makes it difficult ot  be persistnet with its immediacy giving usw an answer to a trivia question.Be persistent in the faith, the pastoral epistle tells us in and out of season-it speaks of faith as a precious relay race, the torch being passed generation to generation-

Inspiration literally God-breathed-, not dictated. God works through Scripture, but human minds and hearts interpret it. Here Scripture is inspiring. Too many of our fellow christians act as if claiming divine authorship, not inspiration settles the issue of working with the bible, as in the bible says it, I beleive; that ends the matter viewpoint. Here the source for that viewpoint doesn't end there but asks how Scripture functions in the life of a Christian.the older established churches in their quest to be nice have not condemned the biblical literalist view with nearly enough force. At the same time, bible studies are marvels of working hard to interpret the biblical material, but our folks refuse to engage in such study and may have a family Bible gathering dust somewhere that includes the names of the family over generations.We have been willing to look past the lie that we are not a biblical people. Look at our worship-no one, no one reads as much Scripture as we do week after week. No one, no one tries to use the hymns as not only prayers but as attempts to articulate the biblical themes that emerge for the readings of the week.Every week we pray for illumination, for the Spirit to transform the words into vehicle of enlightenment for us.

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