Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Column: Market Street block Party as Enacted Prayer

Market Street Block Party is held on the 20th this year. It started as a work of St John’s and over the years a number of churches in the area have joined together to help fund it, offer space, and volunteers.

One of the frequent quotes I constantly hear is someone declaring that they are spiritual but not religious. People yammer about not liking institutional religion as part of a general antipathy toward institutions. The problem is that institutions are capable of planning and executing that plan. An activity such as the block party requires some extensive advance planning and organization; it does not spring fully formed out of chaos. At 7AM people will be on the street setting up, as they try to balance a coffee cup in one hand and a table in the other. People will be operating boots and shuttling food from one site to the party Organization permits it to be moving toward ten years of continuity. Organization allows the event to occur as it creates a source of money. While we may like to think that somehow money materializes, it takes commitment to sustain an event such as this.

I love that it has and education and safety component, as it   seems important at all times. I am an old style liberal when it comes to education. It is the great vehicle to move up in American society. It is the gateway to social mobility. At base, Christian faith expects literacy in order to reflect on the Scripture. To learn well, people need a safe and secure environment. That we speak of children living with trauma similar to war zones is a disgrace.

I love that free school supplies are offered. Yes, I realize that others groups offer it as well. A commitment to education is vital for households and communities. When families help to gather up the school supplies it demonstrates a small commitment to education as being important to a family. Years ago, the Coleman Report indicated that family respect and encouragement of education is a critical factor in school achievement over the years.

I love that it has a health fair. Jesus gained fame as a healer. Poor people have significant unaddressed health needs, even with public and private programs designed to help. One of our gene3ral health care issues is that we respond to issues too late. The screenings can catch a health issue early, so costs are reduced, and the chances of a recovery are far greater. The health fair offers information on lifestyle changes that can have enormous impact on health, including the issue of diabetes.

I love that the Block party has free food. It reminds me of the feeding of the multitudes in the gospels or the manna in the wilderness. It pains me that hunger gnaws at too many people, so that merely getting enough to eat, let alone a healthy diet, plagues too many of our citizens. When so many of us scrimps and save, it is a delight to be present at the sharing of abundance for free.

I love that it offers some fun and games. The gospel is spread not only in words but in action and attitude. Jesus attended banquet parties in the gospels. We offer a Sabbath a day early. a time of recreation and re-creation. A craft table offers a chance at artistic expression, and to learn of the effort and discipline it takes for a craft to come out well. This year, the Block party is marking the end of summer as school begins. It offers a public transition to the new season of school and the close of vacation season. What can we do when we organize? The Market Street Block Party.

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