Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Devotional Selections Week of July 10

Sunday-Ps.  82 shows links to other religions with its view of god as the CEO of a string of divinities.  It schallenge is the basic Hebrew ethical challenge: to protect the vulnerable. When do you want God to be the great judge, and when would you prefer that the Holy One averts the divine yee?

Monday-"In monastic tradition, there is great value placed on both conversion and stability. I think of conversion as always being willing to be surprised by God. Conversion calls us to remember that we are always on a journey, that we are always growing, that we have never fully arrived. It calls us to great humility, and the more we grow in wisdom, the more we realize how little we actually know."

There are opportunities for breathing spaces within our days. The monastic tradition invites us into the practice of stopping one thing before beginning another. It is the acknowledgment that in the space of transition and threshold is a sacred dimension, a holy pause full of possibility. What might it be like to allow just a ten-minute window to sit in silence between appointments? Or after finishing a phone call or checking your email to take just five long, slow, deep breaths before pushing on to the next thing? Abbey of the Arts

From the Presbyterian Outlook -No one can be an onlooker, a bystander, one who passes by; everyone has an active role to play in the creation of an integrated and reconciled society - in sharing the inheritance of eternal life, life abundant, present and future life. If we don't want to be half-dead or the walking dead, then it is time we saw everyone as our neighbor and actively start showing mercy like the Samaritan, like Jesus - it is a matter of life and death for all of us.

"By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest." ~ Confucius
“Children are innocent and love justice, while most adults are wicked and prefer mercy.” ~ G.K. Chesterton- “Justice is truth in action.” ~ Benjamin Disraeli

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