Saturday, June 18, 2016

Pointers for week of June 19

Sunday-Ps. Lists 42 and 43for the day:42 is a classic lament of longing. The speaker feels abandoned by god, and memory of god in worship is fading from the reality of pain. Work with its great question: why are you cast down, o my soul/ why are you disquieted within me?

Monday-The peace of Christ makes fresh my heart,/a fountain ever springing! /All things are mine since I am his! /How can I keep from singing?  "How can I keep from singing?" Summer is filled with these moments. God of creation, thank you for the gift of music. Meet us in the songs of this summer, gathering us into sweet harmonies and writing faith on our hearts, through Jesus Christ our melody. Amen.Meta Herrick Carlson

Tuesday-"Could the world be about to turn?"We're not sure. It can feel like we're dragging each other along, bickering about the details and guarding what was once the most important thing. . The way we sing and pray in the present has the capacity to change our future. Own those question marks, sisters and brothers, and own the possibilities that the Lord has in store for us. God of change, thank you for weaving your promises through our human story and for calling us forward into the possibilities of things still to come. Give us courage to wonder and hope when we sing out as the body of Christ. Amen.Meta Herrick Carlson
Wednesday-I remember St Benedict's kind, true, and apt words, “Always, we begin again.” I wasn't mindful. I wasn't present to the moment at hand, but I have yet another chance to begin again and to practice awareness. To wake up and be mindful. I know all too well that mindfulness is not something I can achieve. I can't cross it off my bucket or life list and announce, “Got it! I am now mindful.”

Thursday-"Statio calls us to a sense of reverence for slowness, for mindfulness, and for the fertile dark spaces between our goals where we can pause and center ourselves, and listen."

Friday-"You can trust what is down beneath the endless mental chatter, beneath the feelings of fear and anxiety – these are all part of our human journey and need to be dealt with gently, with endless compassion. But beneath these is the calm, consoling, renewing, and abiding presence of the soul, some call it the witness – that wise part of ourselves that can be with whatever life brings and not identify with the dramas of life, sees them as just one small part of the story.--- Christine Valters Paintner, PhD

Saturday-everything we do is a form of self-narration.'"I have been contemplating this phrase, wondering what story my life and practice tells about me. What parts of the story I tell about myself need to be offered to scrutiny? Where might doubt be a healthy path to take? Am I witness to compassion? Does my life lay bare an authentic journey toward love? Is my belief in the enlivening and transforming power of creativity expressed in how I actually perform the daily tasks of my day? Do I embody the things I say I value most?

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