Monday, January 25, 2016

Week of Jan,. 24 devotional pts

Sunday-Ps. 19 is perhaps the great creation psalm. The psalmist sees order in the moral universe as well as in the created order. What most impresses you of the order in creation? What most impresses you about order in the moral universe?  

Monday-God does not dole out suffering in some kind of cosmic test for rewards we do not understand."--- Christine Valters Painter, PhD,

Tuesday-Turning water into wine, Jesus enhanced people's joy rather than merely removing a source of their grief. That's what Epiphany is about.

Wednesday-As people who are both "of faith" and "with questions," we often look for signs from God to help us understand and to give us a sense that God is with us. An important aspect of the Apostle Paul's familiar counsel about the gifts of the Spirit is its reminder that God is with us in visible ways.

Thursday-"Teach us to know that if we are to be successful stewards, we must be your servants. We know that we cannot solve the many difficulties which beset your people. But you can. We cannot reconcile people whose prejudices and narrow-sighted self-interest prevent brotherhood. But you can. We cannot infuse hope in those who despair. But you can." (Jordan, Eloquent Thunder, p. 68)

Friday-Henri Nouwen-As soon as someone accuses me or criticizes me, as soon as I am rejected, left alone, or abandoned, I find myself thinking, “Well, that proves once again that I am a nobody.” … [My dark side says,] I am no good… I deserve to be pushed aside, forgotten, rejected, and abandoned.” How do you fight this dark side? How does god’s acceptance of you help?
Saturday-Howard Rice and Lamar Williamson Jr.O God, inexhaustible source of all good things, we bless thee for the gifts of thy love. Grant that we may hear thy word with a real desire to receive what it promises and to practice what it commands. Engrave it not only on our minds but in our hearts, and transform us by thy Spirit into the image of thy Son, making us contemplate thy glory in the clear mirror of the gospel.

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