Monday, May 11, 2015

Week of May 3 devotional points

Sorry this is late. i was down with sinus infection.

Sunday-Ps. 22:25-31 is the lectionary selection for today. I needed to look up the section of it. the american right often speaks of class warfare. Here, the image is that both rich and poor will have a banquet. It has a future outlook to it, as if a future cna exist after suffering. Here yet again, the future gets the last word.

Monday-Life is pervasively unsatisfactory, even when it is far more than merely satisfactory, even when it is wonderful. This reframing of Buddhism's touchstone tenet may have something to teach non-Buddhists, especially those of us whose faith takes into account the empirical reality often referred to in classical Christian theology as "original sin," the brokenness of creation that goes beyond individual acts of sin and is woven into the warp and woof of existence. From Louisville Seminary president Jinkins

Tuesday-Ironically, in our day God's power seems neither obvious nor disruptive. Our eyes do not easily see God at work in the world. Yet, we confess that we are disciples—God's work, our hands. How is your own short-sightedness preventing you from seeing God at work in the world? What might you see if you learned to see with different eyes? What might you lose? What might you gain? God, you are beside us, shepherding life and health for all. Teach us to see you, in each other and in ourselves. Amen.Catherine Malotky

Wednesday-Suddenly pictures were taken from miles away, and we saw it (the earth) at last for what it truly is. It is about the size of a dime. It is blue with swirls of silver. It shines. The blackness it floats in is so immense, it seems almost miraculously not to have swallowed it up long since...The holy earth. We must take such care of it. It must take such care of us. This side of paradise, we are each of us so nearly all the other has. There is darkness beyond our wildest imagining all around us. Among us there is just about enough light to get by.(Buechner)

Thursday-Richard Rohr in this morning's devotion "God mercifully doles out our life in doses. Grace is too much for a moment."

Friday-Barbara Brown Taylor has a wonderful chapter in her book An Altar in the World about “getting lost.” What would it mean to wander and allow yourself to feel the vulnerability of being a bit lost or disoriented? What new awareness might break in from this softened place? What might happen if we began each day of our pilgrimage with a meditation: while lying in bed in the morning before rising, imagine each part of your body softening, releasing into the currents of the seas or floating on the wind. Then soften your will and see what images rise up from this place. What is the holy direction you feel rise up in you?

Saturday-I’ve been hiking in local areas lately. All of them are nearby.why do we take the beauty close by as somehow less impressive than that which is far away? where are your favorite local spots for natural beauty? are you able to pay in the its presence, or are you more overcome with awe and enjoyment wordlessly?

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