Sunday, March 1, 2015

March 1 devotional points

Sunday-Ps.22 is the psalm Jesus quotes at the cross. some think he was using the start as a shorthand for the whole song.Usually, laments have both pleas and a sense of relief and hope in the same prayer. they are model prayers for us. We neglect them at our spiritual peril.

Monday-I am called to fast from multitasking and the destructive energy of inattentiveness to any one thing, so that I get many things done, but none of them well, and none of them nourishing to me. Instead my practice will become a beholding of each thing, each person, each moment.

Tuesday-What if we knew that within our very cells is a God-given energy,
a source of light that possesses the secret of God's beautiful and complex design?
(Paula D'Arcy) At the same time, that complexity is filled with trouble as well. Healing is more than energy or return. it is the creation of a new health.

Wednesday-The desert of our weaknesses can be frightening, our emotional and spiritual emptiness starkly painful. We can choose to avoid this pain and fear, but the devil is in the avoidance. That was the wisdom of the priest who told us to "Wait. Wait." Many times my rushing to fill the vacuum has caused grief for me and others. Never once, however, have I been disappointed in waiting for the Lord. God is in the desert. God knows what I look like in my bathrobe, all alone late at night. And never once has God suggested that the sight is pathetic. Instead, in those empty hours, God says, "Talk to me. Then be still and know that I am God." From "Brave Emptiness: The Geography of Demons," Weavings: ,

Thursday-Prayer for Lent-O God, who makes all things new,new stars, new dust, new life;take my heart,every hardened edge and measured beat,and create something new in me.
I need your newness, God,the rough parts of me made smooth;the stagnant, stirred;
the stuck, freed;the unkind, forgiven.And then, by the power of your Spirit,
I need to be turned toward Love again. Amen.From The Awkward Season: Prayers for Lent by Pamela C. Hawkins

Friday-Humour is, in fact, a prelude to faith; and laughter is the beginning of prayer … Laughter is swallowed up in prayer and humour is fulfilled by faith.”― Reinhold Niebuhr, Children of Light

Saturday-In a noisy world, spending time praying in honest to God silence is a paradoxical and profound way to practice listening with your neighbor.   Kent ira Groff when is silence a relief for you? when is it a gateway to the spiritual?

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