Sunday, November 23, 2014

Devotional thoughts week of Nov. 23

Sunday-Ps.100 is nice and short. One wonders if it applies to god as king or the areas of the temple itself. The doxology tune is called Old Hundredth as it was set to a version of this text. wesang a version of this psalm on All Saints and sang it again at 10AM worship today. how doe shearing it differ from your reading of it in your spiritual path?

Monday-For some reason, "I looked at this statue and saw the eyes of Jesus looking at me with compassion, inviting me to come to him. It was then I decided to 'try out this church.' It was the following Sunday that I experienced a new kindling of my faith. Since then I have experienced God's forgiving and loving grace in Jesus Christ. Oh, by the way, I have also discovered that the 'no hands of Jesus' on the statue reminds me every day that I am Jesus' hands sharing Jesus' love and forgiveness in my daily life."

Tuesday-May your body be blessed. May you realize that your body is a faithful and beautiful friend of your soul.and may you be peaceful and joyful and recognize that your senses are sacred thresholds.May you realize that holiness is mindful, gazing, feeling, hearing, and touching. May your senses gather you and bring you home.May your senses always enable you to celebrate the universe and the mystery and possibilities in your presence here.May the eros of the earth bless you.—John O’Donohue

Wednesday-the rule of prayer that stood out to me.  It was probably that trip that awakened my own inner monastic and I took home some pieces with me that day. I tried them on like clothing whenever I would feel overwhelmed, the rule of prayer becoming a constant companion, a warm sweater on a cold day from Abbey of the Arts

Thursday-From Abbey of the Arts."Honoring Saints & Ancestors.Abbey of the Arts"   We continue this theme in our Poetry Party this month. What are you continuing to discover about how your ancestors speak across the veil?-Arranging old photos a can indeed be a direct spiritual experience of the communion of saints. where do you keep favorite photos? How often do you page through them?

Friday-the cold snap brought us a bit of snow. Our recycling bins were frozen. I pulled and pulled and freed one. It threw up a blizzard of ice and snow on my face. It was a remarkably stupid thing to do, but it awakened me to how easily i sleepwalk through life. What a mistake like that you have made lately?

Saturday-Who can know fully what Christ means when he says that we will see him in his glory? But because we have already seen him in the glory of our long delayed but dearest hope, I believe that the faith is by no means blind that sees his word as not just a poem, and only a poem, but as high and unimaginable truth.-from Secrets in the Dark

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