Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Week Of Aug 24 devotional points

Sunday-Ps.124 I am pleased that I will try to sit in on Dr. McCann’s class at Eden Seminary, as he is a noted scholar of this great prayerbook.This one is a prayer of thanks for being delivered from enemies. I like to expand the image of enemy to anything that harms us, including illness. When have you felt most fully the thrill of deliverance.

Monday-At the heart of life and in its heights glory shines. Within creation and beyond,glory has its source. Guide me to the heart of lifethat I may know its heights.Lead me further within, O God ,that I may know you as beyond.In the sufferings of my heart. and the brokenness of creation-open to me further the doors of the eternal that through the pain that is within me and the struggles that are around me,  I may be guided to you as the heart of life, that through the pain that is within me and the struggles that are around me I may be guided to you as in and beyond all that has life. John Philip Newell

Tuesday-James Finley, Saturday. A quote from his book, The Contemplative Heart, : "We seek to live a more contemplative way of life so that we will not have to wait until we are dying to learn how to live."

Wednesday- John S. Mogabgab-In every experience of true listening, especially to God but also to another person, there is a mysterious moment in which the one who listens steps out from a fortress of self-concern and dwells silently in the truth of the one who speaks.

Thursday-St. Hilda-”
"Send your minds to holy learning that you may escape the fretting math of littleness of mind that would wear at your souls." St. Hilda pray for us and especially for those in high places.”

Friday-James J. Martin:A New Serenity Prayer-"God, grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, which is pretty much everyone, since I'm clearly not you, God.At least not the last time I checked.And while you're at it, God, please give me the courage to change what I need to change about myself, which is frankly a lot, since, once again, I'm not you, which means I'm not perfect.It's better for me to focus on changing myself than to worry about changing other people, who, as you'll no doubt remember me saying, I can't change anyway.Finally, give me the wisdom to just shut up whenever I think that I'm clearly smarter than everyone else in the room, that no one knows what they're talking about except me, or that I alone have all the answers.Basically, God, grant me the wisdom to remember that I'm not you. Amen."
Saturday-Before I was twenty I never worried about what other people thought of me. But after I was twenty I worried endlessly — about all the impressions I made and how people were evaluating me. Only sometime after turning fifty did I realize that they hardly ever thought about me at all.— Anthony de Mello in One Minute Wisdom

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