Tuesday, August 13, 2013

OT Notes for the 18th of august

Again,please go to Patrici Tull’s Isaiah commentary, please.

1) I am struck by the image of God as gardener.Depending on one’s view of gardening, one could come up with all sorts of illustrations and observations: its planning,implementation and implements growth, surprise, sense of frustration or fulfillment .obstacles, etc.

2) I also like the idea of seeing our lives as a vineyard/garden.

3\) I was once told that the best marriage is a garen marrying a gardener.

4) It is a love song, so it appears a love song of God. That is not a notion that comes to us easily is it? What are your favorite love songs? I heard that the grist for the mill fo the love  song  would be heartbreak and falling in love.

5) Presbyterian like to speak of God in control. This passage does indicate that pt of view, does it?

6) Imagine the frustration here of a God who does everything in love, works to prepare the garden vineyard and finds it in ruins.

7) The word waste may have been carefully chosen as it reflects the primordial chaos of Gen. 1 tohu and bohu.

8) I have mentioned it previously but the end of v. 7 is Hebrew wordplay. one could try to make it rhyme or use alliteration to pickj up the point if you wish. However, do not get cute, as the words are social and important then and now

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