Sunday, January 27, 2013

Week of Jan. 27 devotions

January 27 Ps. 19 does an interesting split between creation and the teachings of the Bible. they are joined as God is a god of order. I wish to emphasize the first part today. We live in an age of miracles.Often we say we see the hand of God in something pretty in nature. Take a moment to look at a picture of a galaxy. Take a moment to examine something of biological complexity. Take a look at the microscopic level. the consider that selfsame God love you by name.

Monday-I have heard a lot lately about people wanting to hear more about the “harsher” side of God.they actually sneer at the Scriptural description of God is love. They see power as the ultimate value, and so they wish to emphasize passages and events that proclaim that power. I understand the impulse, but fear that it projects our view of power too much on the divine.

Tuesday-”To see a world in a grain of sand/or heaven in a wild flower/Hold infinity in the palm of your hand/or eternity in an hour” (William Blake Auguries of Innocence) I have always loved these words, and they get at some of the mystic’s view of the world.Mystic see connections. Mystics can use the ordinary to catch a glimpse of the extraordinary. Where does the everyday give you an intimation of the divine?

Wednesday-Evaluations alarm us. It is as if we are afraid that the world ill be let in on the secret of our incompetence. We tend to hear the word as relentlessly critical and rarely complimentary. Iv e noticed how difficult it is to get people to agree on the basis for an evaluation. It seems to be open season on being not only critical but judgmental. I’m struggling with this, as I am being evaluated by our session at the same time I am evaluating a candidate for ministry under special circumstances.

Thursday-We’ve looked at I Cor. 12 lately and one insightful woman noted its emphasis on variety as an asset. So often, we look for uniformity as our security blanket. Variety may show us a better way, some lack we may now notice. As Justice Jackson said, “compulsory unification of opinion brings only the uniformity of the grave.” Where do you find diversity to be a threat? Where do you find it to add depth, richness, and novelty to your life?

Friday- My thoughts keep coming back to kindness lately. I think of the line from Hamlet: ”I must be cruel, only to be kind”, and it was adapted to a Nick Lowe song, “you’ve got to be cruel to be kind.” Perhaps it opens the door to what we call tough love. I just a good collection of stories by Pete hamill and he was put on a bus by a cop when he was hitchhiking the turnpike. The driver waved off the money; he says: “ I have always recalled the kindness.” What kindness have you received from a stranger? What have you offered?

Saturday is Candlemas in some Christian communities. since Christ is the light of the world, it emphasizes the use and blessing of candles. In some areas, someone who discovers a gift in the Epiphany King’s cake makes food for folks on this day. why do candles promote a spiritual sense, do you think? Do you have a person, a memory, an object that operates as a candle in the dark for you?

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