Saturday, March 24, 2012

April 1-Is. 50:4-9

1) I haven;t decided how I am going to handle of the Holy Week readings. It is possible that I will move into readings for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. The number of readings is so huge for Holy Saturday, that if I approach them, I will be selective and perhaps pick less familiar ones.

2) Most of you know that this is the third Servant Song. It is always wise to look at the Dame Zion material in these sections as well. Here it is possible that the Servant is linked to the prophet.

3)How do we sustain the weary with a word? How do we fail to do so?
4) How and why would one be rebellious if God spoke and opened their ear?
5) Here we cannot help but reflect on the scourging of Jesus . I leave it to the reader to decide to move into the fetish territory of Passion of the Christ.
6) Is it possible that v. 6 is a template for the description of Jesus and torture? I would like folks to explain to me how we can support torture when our Savior was tortured?
7)Knowledge that Go helps allows the tortured one to "set the face like flint." When is setting one's face like flint not a good idea/ I am almost done with Tim Madigan's I'm Proud of You, his memoir of Fred Rogers. He gives ample evidence of its problems.
8) Vv 8-9 are definitely in the courtroom dispute arena. We move beyond help to vindication. I know people who are sustained in their justice work with this confidence of vindication. I am convinced that one day we will have health care for all Americans as a right, not a privilege as Sen. Kennedy used to say.
90 what does this passage say to us on the use and abuse of power?

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