Thursday, February 2, 2012

devotions for Week of Feb.5

Sunday Feb. 5- I Cor. 9:22 Paul says that he is willing to try to be ‘all things to all people” in order to try to persuade them of the gospel. Part of me sees it as manipulative and inauthentic. Part of me sees as expecting oneself to be protean in skill set. Another part of me sees it as admirable, in that, once again, Paul is willing to forego selfish desires and preferences in order to try to reach someone with the good news, the gospel. “Different strokes for different folks” work well in respecting diversity.

Monday-A good number of people sort of stumble into work today. Some wonder if we should make this a national holiday, to recover from the Super Bowl. In the face of that struggle, I commend being gentle on yourself and try to establish some manageable goals. Sometimes, aiming low allows us to get freed up and accomplish more than with a grandiose vision.

Tuesday-I recently visited someone in the hospital how had knee replacement. We live in an age of miracles, but we complain about even that. My eye surgery was outpatient, when I remember people becoming immobile for 6 weeks after eye surgery. The blind see; the lame walk; diseases such as polio are virtually eradicated. Thank God for these now common miracles. Thank God for your physicians and pharmacists, nurses, technicians, hospital staff and medical schools.

Wednesday-Words matter. We speak about the environment, and for some people it sounds clinical detached. Environmentalist has a bad connotation in some circles. I wonder if Christians should speak of caring for creation more, as we had a group with that name here at Alton, First. Seeing the natural world as creation reminds us that it is not our possession to despoil, but ours to respect and indeed, care for. In Genesis 2, the story tells us that we are earthlings, creatures of the soil. That keeps us grounded.

Thursday-Be not anxious, says Jesus. Even when the Lord commands it, it seems to me easier said than done. At a recent meeting, as we went around the table, I heard so many anxious words: panic, fear, concern, worry, nervous. We can pray for anxiety to be lifted. We can notice when it raises its head and learn effective ways for us to fight it.

Friday-Presbyterian pastors take national ordination exams in Bible content, worship and sacrament, theology, Biblical exegesis of either the Old or New Testament, and polity, our governmental structures. I am a critic of our examination system, but the idea has some merit, as it tries to match theory and practice. They rely on each other and build on each other. When they are kept together, we move closer to wisdom.

Saturday-I remember this day as Lincoln’s birthday. I was envious that the kids in public school received this day off. Just consider the words of his 2nd inaugural’s end, with malice toward none, and charity (love) for all.” It’s biblical in its tenor, and it reflects a powerful biblical public theology that is so lacking in our poor denuded politics of retaliation, demonizing, and flat out hatred.

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