Sunday, November 27, 2011

Nov. 20 Week Devotions

Nov. 20-Some think that Psalm 100 is a closing for the kingship psalms that precede it. It is selected for Christ the King Sunday to pick up the sheep/shepherd image of this day, a biblical image for being followers and a leader. We have the hymn tune, Old Hundreth, from the paraphrase of the psalm that became All People that On earth. The original tune was probably by Louis bourgeois for the Geneva Psalter for Ps. 134. hear the tune as one that suited for royalty.

Monday-Some folks are using gratitude as a spiritual practice by noting something or someone for whom they are grateful for 30 days in a row. I like how it turns some perspective around. one woman started off complaining about having a car repair but then being grateful that she has a good car, that she has a mechanic whom she trusts, that she has the money to pay for the repair bill. Consider praying a list of things and people for which and for whom your are grateful.
consider making it a part of grace prior to the Thanksgiving meal.

Tuesday-We are hurtling toward Advent, the time of spiritual preparation for both the second Advent, the end times being fulfilled, and the first Advent of Christmas, of the Incarnation. many people are already preparing make-ahead food for the holiday.The house is getting cleaned up. the rest of the menu is planned and scheduled. what if we put just a fraction of that kind of energy and effort in spiritual work for Advent?

Wednesday-Family gatherings are stressful as expectations and image collide with reality. it’s no accident that fictional gatherings are often difficult, because the inspiration is drawn from actual experience. (I pray that we can create the desire and space for reconciliation where needed. i pray that we have some ground rules to try to avoid the hurt feelings that seem to come with holidays. i pray that we honor those who cannot ever again join us at table, in this life.

Thanksgiving-I’ve always loved this holiday. yes, i eat too much, but even as a little kid I liked the idea that this day was about gratitude. It also brings a smile about my late mother. She never properly thawed the turkey, so it was a bit slow in getting up to temperature. Not willing to admit to not giving the bird time to thaw, she announced her theory that all of the ovens that were on caused a brownout that made her oven, and only her oven, slow due to less current.

Black Friday-I’m a frugal person, well cheap on a lot of things, so I like the idea of people looking for bargains today. On the other hand, the excess of this day is a walking example of coveting , envy, and greed rolled into a consumer frenzy. we get up at hours we would never consider, but do so without complaint today. Agai always had hot turkey sandwiches, and I still love them. At the same time, that sign of abundance can get old, and sometimes they get wasted. We are given such spiritual abundance. Even the scraps from that table are fit for ron, I pray that sometimes we would have some of the same expectancy for spending time with god, for doing something kind for another person, for tending the garden of our relationships.

Saturday-Leftovers from Thursday can become an issue already. Some of us like some leftovers better than the original. Weyalty. May we never let that outpouring of divine favor ever go to waste.

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