Saturday, May 7, 2011

First cut. I may revise at some point.
1) Cutting alert. Our section is in a household code section. Small problem, the opening, topic sentence on slaves is omitted. So this seems to become a generalized statement when it was not written with that audience in mind at all.
2) We are in dangerous territory here, as it uses Christ as a model of unjust suffering to which we also are called? What about healing suffering? What about justice?
I especially fear that his could be used for people who are not suffering to people who are suffering. It is easy to give advice on suffering when one is safe and sound.
3) Notice the echoes of the suffering servant toward the suffering of Christ.
4) Notice the  move that Christ died so we may live for righteousness.
5) v.23 is an example of turning the other cheek.
6)Shepherd and guardian of the soul is a phrase that deserves some sustained attention.How do sheep go astray/ How are our moral failings similar and dissimilar?
Acts 2:42-47
1) I want to note the explicit linkage between worship and social life here on sharing possessions. I need to find the citation to a new book on this topic I noticed recently.Simply put, how can we receive a spiritual banquet at Communion and enter a world where people are hungry in the bellies?
2)William Willimon picks up the phrase, with glad ad generous hearts, in his little book on worship. That does not seem to be the prevailing attitude in church does it?
3) After all these years this little rubric still governs the basic pattern of worship.
4) "having the goodwill of the people" Does that seem to be in short supply as well?
5) since shepherd seems to be the theme for Sunday, to a degree at least, this is a good intro to discuss the needs of the flock instead of the individual, or as Mr. Spock said, sometimes the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one, or words to that effect as he was carried from the reactor in Wrath of Khan.
6) This passage could also be a clarion call to worship, or an intro to  how the structure of worship is  basic, but its ornamentation is fluid.
1) Why is this passage so popular?
2) i shall not want= I will lack not.
3) What are contemporary version of green pastures?
4) Where does the soul need restored in 2011? I assume soul=nephesh here, the self the vital center, the life force.
5)How does one know we are in right paths?
6) Give 3 examples of darkest valley/shadow of death.
7)How do rod and staff comfort? By sight, by use?
8) What feeling is evoked by a banquet with enemies?
9)Where does your cup overflow? Where is it empty or half full? We just went through a church time when cup=wrath. What happened?
10) How do you handle my whole life long/length of days with the old forever at the end?

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