Saturday, April 2, 2011

1) This is directed at the community of Israel, as good as dead. The setting is clearly exilic. I suppose it could be a legitimate jump to apply it to another nation or a group, oh such as the local congregation. The image lends itself to Martha's viewpoint in the Lazarus passage of John 11 for Sunday.
2) Do you think that this is an image of resurrection or something else? Compare v. 13 and v. v.3.
3)Notice that the image puts flesh on the bones. This is no airy spirituality, is it?
4) Part of the change comes from speech, so the word makes flesh here. so, the old spiritual, Dem Bones would be apt.
5) The spirit/breath nicely applies to both the 4 winds and the breath of life and God's own Spirit. Where would you like the fresh breeze of the spirit to blow through your congregation and your own life?
6) v. 11 is a description of desolation, dry bones, lost hope,cut off. part of the hope here then is connection. that reminds me. Hope is not the same as optimism that looks for the good and expects it. in spite of the facts at hand, hope looks toward better days.
7) Since it is a valley,(but elsewhere, a plain)  can we make a link to the valley of the shadow of Ps. 23?

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