Tuesday, October 5, 2010

first cut for october 10 OT lectionary text
1) OK in the midst of the destruction, a new future is positied that sees planting again. It is a creation image certainly. How do you come to grips with changes in the biblical frameworks?
2) Note the similarity to Ezekile 18 on personal responsibility. This goes against the to the fourth generation language of DT.
3) Here is new covenant, a new bond, a new partnership. what happened to the old covenants:to Noah, Abraham, David, and Sinai? Were they obviated by the punishment, ro is this better called a renewed covenant?
4) How do you think that works in practice, a new grasp of life that will not require teaching, that would come naturally?
5) Miller in NIB p. 815 has  a good section at #9. he urges us to consider the issue of supersessionism.
6) New covenant language is in Communion (Luke 22:20, I Cor. 11:25).

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