Sunday, June 27, 2010

2 Kings 5;1-14
10 this is good for examining charity begins at home, or issues of inclusion and exclusion, cutting off the nose to spite the face.
2) Newman is a great man with a serious problem. Ironically,a captured girl provides a way out.
3) Did Naaman need all of the royal envoy material to go to Elisha?
4)Why is the king so blind?
5) Why does Elisha shun the entourage?
6) The seven times issue can be seen in Lev. 14:7 cf.
7)What do we learn about the insight of the servants here/ what do we learn of his ego? What are some good analogies to his distaste for the Jordan v. home waters?
8) See Lk. 4:27, also the Syro-Phoenician woman, the healing of the centurion's servant.
90 How is this story like the still small voice account?

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