Friday, January 8, 2010

Is. 62:1-5

1) Obviously we are being tied to the wedding at Cana. I've been listening to a series, Understanding and Listening to Great Music and church music explored the image of the marriage feast of the Lamb.

2) Beulah= married Hephzibah=my delight is in her Forsaken=Azubah, desolate=shemamah. KJV left these as proper names.

3) We've all been to weddings. So feel free to share good and bad wedding stories. Women put a lot of time into selecting the bridal gown, and maybe more time finding those hideous poofy lime green numbers to make all of the bridesmaids look bad. One could put a diadem in terms of some of the wdding finery worn buy the couple.

4) Most folks would detect a post-exilic  image here. think of the change form the destruction of Jerusalem and its ruins to being the sight fit for a wedding. Wedding is a great symbol for being together instead of being desolate and forsaken. Earlier Dame Zion is a widow. now I imagine a wedding scene fit for Ruth.

5) v, 5 causes translation or interpretive issues. (bnyk)It looks like sons, but sons marrying Mom?

Builder requires only change in vowels, but it's not very clear either. At any rate, they are talking about a restored relationship.

6) In v.2 I'm not clear how NRSV get vindication, unless things are made right. NIV seems on solid ground with the usual righteousness/right relations

7) Where does the image of marriage not work well for us now? Where does it work well in terms of relations to god?


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