Saturday, October 17, 2009

Job 42 returns us to prose, away from the poetry of the bulk of the book. It fills the frame of the first prose section.

1) Immediately, one needs to decide for this day, which of the many possible translations of Job's exclamation is close to the mark. See the NIB for a full listing. Basically, is Job apologizing, or is he repenting turning from his mourning and lament? See Donald Capps in Reframing as well.

2) Job gets a lot restored. Does restoration somehow make up for the loss of his first set of children? Do new riches make up for the loss of a fortune?

3) Does Job have 10 kids with Mrs. Job?

4) v. 5 now my eye sees thee. What does the creation speech do to Job's image of God? What does it do to yours?

5) Why comfort now from brothers and sisters? Why money?

6) Spell out why God is angry at the friends. How has Job spoken of God what is right? (v.7) Why is this repeated at 9?

7) See ch. 7 of G. Janzen's new book, At the Scent of Water.


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