Saturday, June 20, 2009

1) Saul is dead, so is the great  friend Jonathan. One could choose to review their sad demise.

2) David utters this fine lament. One always wonders how much of this is personally felt and how much is public rhetoric.

3) This is in a limping meter, a broken set, called a qina.

4) Where is God in this lament?
5) One could go the conspiracy route and talk about the book of Jashar.(see Josh. 10)

6)Glory in v.18 is more like splendor/beauty/elegance like its namesake the gazelle.

7_One can recount how the mighty have fallen at other times.

8)David curses the place of death. Anointed is linked to messiah, remember.

9) In poetic license David says that they were not parted, even in death.

100 Israel is encouraged to grieve this public loss, so should we.

11) I would see the love here as political/public and personal.

12) We are often called to give uelogies. What do you think are imnportant aspects of them? How does this reflect the old phrase do not speak ill o fthe dead?

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