Saturday, April 11, 2009

  1. I John 1, Acts 4:32-5

  2. Is the beginning, the start of creation as in John’s prologue, or the start of this group, or the start of the church?

  3. It cannot be overstated: in the letter eternal life is heaven touching earth, it is new life in Christ now that will be transformed in the future, but it is not heaven alone. Life is more than a waiting platform for the heaven train.

  4. Notice that sensory images of sight, sound, and touch employed here.

  5. God is light. What does that mean? What are its functions, especially religious. Think of theophany. Look at its use in the Psalms, see William Brown’s book on senses and the Pslams.

  6. In a time when we don’t use the word sin, but a mistake or a misjudgment, these are powerful words. It’s odd to me that we will speak, as does John, abut the blood of Christ and forgiveness, but where is forgiveness found when sin is non-existent?

  7. Along the same lines, cleanse shows up twice in this little section.

  8. Notice the linkage of to fellowship. This is certainly a letter that emphasizes the bonds of community. That is not easy in individualist America.

  9. What are the plus points and the dangers in the polarities of light/dark/sin/righteous, truth/lie?

  10. People often like action sermons. Anmy passage with walking will suit them just fine. What examples are you considering for walking in the light?

Act 4:32-5

  1. The lectionary is making a community point, again Why on the first Sunday after Easter is it brought out? Note that it is an ethical parallel to 2:42-47 liturgy.

  2. How does this early socialist commune strike you? Usually, the only thing we share in church is dislike of presbytery.

  3. Could sharing stop poverty in our churches?

  4. Few passages show the idolatry of private, possessive individualism as much as our reaction to this little story.

  5. I bet Woody Guthrie was thinking of this passing in This Land.

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