Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Deborah means bee (queen bee) but I wonder if it doesn't mean speaker (dabar=word)

I assume this passage is in the lectionary to get some well-needed female power.

God works through human decisions here.

Notice that the NIV has her holding court v. NRSV sitting under a palm tree named for her as a place of dispute-settlement.

Sh e is able to order Barak (blessed) around. (Barak could mean lightning as well.)Barak seems a bit timid.

I notice trouble though, as they only take 2 tribal troops.

We have historical issues. If indeed Israel swept through Canaan, how do thye have such a hold on power?

Notice the tantalizing hint about technological prowess (chariots fo iron) Did Israel lack the technology or the the structure to make chariots.
 If one wishes, woman power takes the stage at the end of the chapter with Jael (God is Yah(weh))

One could extend the reading to the poem at ch. 5, especially the end at 24 that is a taunt but is alos a remarkable way of seeing through the eyes of the enemy's mother.

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