Monday, February 4, 2008

February 10, 2008 OT Gen. 3:1-7

Entry Points into the Story for
Preaching, Teaching, Spiritual Care

1) Psychological- The desire to hide is an aspect of shame. Shame is a deeper issue than guilt, of being wrong, instead of doing wrong.
Later, the blame game leaps up. What elcits blame reactions? What pushes us to push off responsibility?

2) Developmental- I think of Irenaeus and the move from innocence to experience. How ws this scene recapitualted in Jesus? In other words, it describes a fall from innocence, but one that would lead toward the maturity of experience.

3) Gender Politics-Adam definitely married up. Eve is the theologian and the speaker. He mutely responds, maybe his name would be Pavlov, today.

4) The serpent does speak truthfully, often. The question itself is the problem. It is most difficult to answer. In so doing, she makes God a figure of analysis and loses relationship. She tries to speak for God. I'm interested in her reply that extends the prohibition and wonder about its rationale.

5) What are some links in books, TV, or movies? Pleasantville comes to mind immediately.

6) The image of seeing is substituted for reflection as she looks at the tree. Notice that even the desire for wisdom has meant sight.

7) See Eve and Pandora in Theology Today, 4/88. James Kugel's The Bible As It Was, ch 2. Bill Moyers. Genesis.

8) the Hebrew words for naked, curse, and sly sound similar. What links would you see in those words? When Eve reports the words fo the serpent, it even sounds like a hiss.

9) A brave, talented preacher could write their own "fall" story.

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