Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Column on the Post movie

I saw the movie, The Post recently in Edwardsville. Even though you need to be met by a loan officer at the concession stand, it is well worth the trip for the movie.

First we may need  some background. Robert McNamara the Secretary of Defense saw the war consuming lives and treasure and ordered a multi volume study of the history of our involvement in Vietnam. It was a harrowing tale of fairly consistent U.S. government deception  over our shifting goals in dealing with a Communist government in Hanoi. Daniel Ellsberg, a Marine, a PhD and analyst, could no longer countenance the years of deceptions, so he released material that he took from a locked cabinet to the fine reporter Neil Sheehan of the New York Times. The Nixon administration began a series of actions that led to Watergate, especially the creation of a “plumbers” unit to stop leak, an attempt at humor, I suppose from that buttoned-up group. They would illegally burglarize the office of Ellsberg’s psychiatrist to find incriminating evidence against him. Recall that he was facing an enormous prison term for the release of the Papers.

This is directed by the masterful Spielberg, so keep an eye out for interesting camera shots, how it is placed in crucial moments.. Look at the lighting in the newsroom as opposed to homes, and the set where the documents were being copied. Look at the first long unbroken scene at breakfast between Mrs. Graham and her editor, Ben Bradlee. Watch the close-up as she announces her decision as to whether the newspaper should publish, at the last possible moment. It is filled with moments of the not so distant past  that our technology has hurtled by: dial telephones, pay telephones that required change to operate, giant copying machines, typewriters with clacking sound that could rouse the dead, even amid the clouds of smoke from the cigarettes everywhere..

For me the most involving story in it is the growth of the Post’s publisher Katherine Graham. She was a doyenne of Washington society. Her father handed over operation of the Post Company to her brilliant but unstable and alcoholic  husband Phil. He committed suicide in the summer of 1963. So, she was left with the operation of the company, but struggling to deal with her new role eight year later, not yet board chair. Not only was she under that pressure, but the company was becoming a publically held company at the very time the massive leaks occurred. The movie oscillates between the public import of a newspaper and the private struggles within public decision. We learn that McNamara’s wife is undergoing cancer treatments as the papers are revealing what we started to call a “credibility gap.” (She would succumb to the disease a decade later).

In 2018, I realize that it may be difficult for many of us to even imagine a White House at odds with a free press. For the first time in American history, the Nixon administration sought and won, at first, prior restraint of printing material by a newspaper. In a 6-3 decision Black’s opinion: Only a free and unrestrained press can effectively expose deception in government…In revealing the workings of government…In revealing the workings of government that led to the Vietnam War, the newspapers nobly did that which the Founders hoped and trusted they would do.” Dismissing the claimed threat to national security, the Court continued, “The word ‘security’ is a broad, vague generality whose contours should not be invoked to abrogate the fundamental law embodied in the First Amendment.” In the years that have passed, we have lost trust in both government pronouncements and the  accuracy of a free press, even arguing over facts themselves. 

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