Saturday, July 22, 2017

week of July 23 reflections

July 23-  Sunday-Ps. 139 is a powerful prayer in so many ways. I was always reminded of it when I read Runaway bunny to the children. The image of God as watchful is a threat when in the wrong and a sense of protective parenting when we are in the right. How do you imagine the ever-present god?

Monday-We simply cannot move or remove ourselves from the circle of God’s love and God’s life; and God, with all the time in the world, waits for each of us to realize this and acknowledge this. -Br. Curtis Almquist

Tuesday-Jung-“It all depends on how we look at things, and not on how things are in themselves. The least of things with a meaning is worth more in life than the greatest of things without it.”

Wednesday-Eleanor Roosevelt-Now, more than ever, we must proclaim, “The Lord is at hand!” We are part of this, quietly and actively, through our faith and expectation. It is enough for us to know that God is weaving his design in the warp and weft of the world. His goal will be reached, not just for this or that person, but for everyone.

Thursday-”I walk, all day,across the heaven-verging field. (Mary Oliver)

Friday-This world, this reality, revealed by God speaking to us, is not the kind of world to which we are accustomed. It is not a neat and tidy world in which we are in control- there is mystery everywhere that takes considerable getting used to, and until we do, it scares us. —Eugene Peterson

Saturday-Perhaps the way to lasting inner and outer harmony is through the conscious, sacred, indwelling partnership of Mary and Martha. Inner Mary and Martha must make peace with one another and honor and respect their two distinct charisms: Mary, the introverted, reflective, and prayerful, contemplative, and Martha, the extroverted, diligent, and active, taskmaster.Through sacred awareness and the commitment to daily sacred practices, it’s possible to encourage the archetypal presence of Mary and Martha to work together. Their collaboration increases the potential to bring balance to life’s aspects of being and doing.Abbey of the Arts

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